(Brasília local time / GMT -02:00)
09h00 Opening
Speaker: Liliana Solha (CAIS/RNP)
BS in Industrial Engineering at the University of Lima (Ulima), Peru and postgraduate in Computer Networks at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. Works in the information security area for 14 years, assumed in 1998 the management of the CAIS / RNP - RNP security group. Member of FIRST Steering Committee - global forum of security groups - from 2002 to 2008, becoming the first Latin American representative. Has been active in promoting infosec culture in Brazilian academic networks, as well as in the region of Latin America.
09h15 Security of things on Internet: Jetsons or the Terminator?
Speaker: Adriano Cansian (ACME! Cybersecurity Research)
Adriano Mauro Cansian is PhD in Computational Physics and is currently an associate professor at Unesp - Universidade Estadual Paulista, on the campus of São José do Rio Preto, SP, where he coordinates the ACME Laboratory! Cybersecurity Research for 22 years. He was already CIO of UNESP and IT Director of the Foundation for the Development of Education (FDE) in the State of SP. It is the current coordinator of the GTS (Working Group on Security of Internet Manager Committee in Brazil), Cryptographic Officer with the registro.br and volunteer in several initiatives for safety and security in digital life.
10h00 Bad Internet of Things
Speaker: Fábio Assolini (Linha Defensiva)
Assolini has over 5 years of experience in the area and is graduated in computer science. In July 2009, Assoline joined the global network of malware analysts from Kaspersky Lab to research Brazilian threats and their impact on Latin America. Since 2006, he is voluntary member jointly to Defensive Line (non-governmental entity), acting as independent researcher and member of Incident Analysis and Response for Security Group (ARIS) and member of Aliance of Security Analysis Professionals (ASAP).
10h45 Coffee-break - sponsor's lecture Aruba
11h15 Healthcare Hacking Evolution
Speaker: Arthur Paixão (MV S/A)
Senior Software Engineer at MV, acting in the SOC team; graduated in the course of Technical Analysis and Software Development for UNIBRATEC; Degree in Information Security by Faculdade dos Guararapes; Graduate student in Information Security applied to Software Engineering by CESAR; Lectured at events like BSides LATAM, Roadsec PRO, Cryptorave, Campus Party.
12h00 Lunch
14h00 IPv6, Big Data, new technologies and IoT security challenges
Speaker: Leandro Bennaton (FIAP)
Leandro Bennaton is a postgraduate professor with specialization in Security Management of Information and international certifications, as the Cybersecurity specializations of MIT, Internet Governance in the Brazilian Internet Manager Committee and the Organization of American States in Washington. International speaker served for 15 years as Executive Technology of Telefonica Group, where achieved the CSO positions of Terra and Telefonica Security Ambassador to Brazil.
14h45 Legal aspects and data privacy in IoT
Speaker: Walter Capanema
Walter Aranha Capanema He is a lawyer, consultant and professor. Professor of Administrative Law, Civil Procedure Law (electronic process), Criminal Law (crimes against intellectual property), Research and Didactics Methodology of Escola da Magistratura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (EMERJ), Legal Director of the Brazilian chapter of the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA-US) Legal Superintendent of the Coaliza Institute.
16h00 Coffee-break - sponsor's lecture Grupo Binário
16h45 IoT safe device development
Speaker: Anchises de Moraes
Fraud Intelligence Analyst at RSA - the security division of EMC. Moraes has extensive experience over 15 years in the coordination and implementation of information security projects in several medium and large companies. Graduated in Computer Science at IME-USP and post-graduated in Marketing from ESPM, also teaches in postgraduate courses, and lectures at local and international events. He was president of the Chapter of Brazil from 2008 to 2009 ISSA, it is one of the founders of the Brazilian chapter of the Cloud Security Alliance.
16h45 Digital certification and IoT
Speaker: Ricardo Custódio
Custódio is Engineer and Master in has Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) and PhD in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). He is a professor and supervisor of the Security Laboratory in Computer (LabSec) of UFSC. His areas of scientific and technological research are computer security and cryptography and its applications.
17h30 Closing