6 and 7 May 2019 | Gramado - RS
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WRNP 2018 - Innovation in networks debate in Campos do Jordão

Between 7 and 8/5, WRNP 2018 brought together the network research community in Campos do Jordão (SP), to present the most advanced research and development of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), inside and outside Brazil. The event took place next to the 36th edition of the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC).

In all, 39 exhibitors conducted technological demonstrations and raised public doubts about the projects, including the Working Groups that comprise our R & D Programs and international cooperation initiatives with the United States and the European Union. In the last three years, the coordinated calls have already allowed investments of R $ 53.6 million for research, with the participation of several Brazilian universities, and accounted for 11 projects benefited only in 2017.

In the closing of activities, the joint panel with the SBRC brought to the debate the theme 'Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the World of Networks', and opened space for a broad vision on the subject, bringing panelists with different positions; university, market, development agency and startup.

The CT & I Research and Innovation Policy panel complemented this discussion and highlighted the progress that the New Legal Framework for Science, Technology and Innovation can bring to the country, especially with regard to technology transfer. The director of Policies and Programs for Innovation Support of the Secretariat for Technological Development and Innovation of MCTIC, Jorge Mario Campagnolo, said that the new legal framework promises to reduce red tape, which consumes 35 to 40% of the time of the researcher. 

The construction of a new cyberinfrastructure in Latin America was the target of Luis Cadenas, Executive Director of the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (RedCLARA). He highlighted the improvements that the Bella (Building Europe Link to Latin America) project will bring to the region by 2020, with connections at 100 Gb / s. The director of Engineering and Operations of RNP, Eduardo Grizendi, added to this vision the technological evolution project of the Ipê network for a scalable infrastructure, with deliveries later this year.

The event had panels and technical sessions with Brazilian and foreign experts on software-defined infrastructures, open data for research, e-Science services, cloud initiatives, testbeds; as well as the remote involvement of Pacific Research Platform (PRP) network engineer John Hess. 

All lectures are available for access through the portal Vídeo@RNP



