


Frequently Asked Questions about DISI 2012.

Who may attend the event?

The event is open to the general public. All users of PCs and other communication devices may have an interest in attending the event.

Is entrance free?

Yes, the event is totally free.

Do I need to register before attending the event?

Yes, you need to register here.

My organization would like to start a local activity in partnership with DISI. How should we proceed?

CAIS prepared a Guide for organizations who want to join DISI 2012 and made it available for download. In this document, we provide the instructions for an active participation and which are the advantages in joining the event. You may register here.

Will the DISI event be broadcast by the internet?

Yes, DISI event’s live webcast will also be translated simultaneously to English and Spanish.

Will you record the videos?

Yes, and they will be available for download in the web site later on.

How can I advertise DISI 2012?

Check the banners in the web page as well as other options for advertisement.

How can my organization sponsor DISI 2012?

For sponsoring the event, click here.







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