


DISI event is free, open to everyone. All community is welcome to attend the talks and participate. In 2011, the organizer's goal is to call attention of the public, increasing awareness that Data privacy: what are you sharing?.


The Organization of American States (OAS) mission is to establish between its member states An order of peace and justice, to promote their solidarity, to strengthen their collaboration, and to defend their sovereignty, their territorial integrity, and their independence", as written down in the OAS Charter, document that defines its policies.

Founded in 1948, the organization has currently 35 member states. OAS acts on political dialog, inclusion, cooperation, legal instruments e monitoring procedures, targeting the strengthening of democracy.

Moreover, the organization addresses commerce issues, economic integration, and drug control, among other joint concerns. It also disseminates the cyber-security mindset through the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE), which supports the establishment of CSIRTs in the member states.

 Read more on www.oas.org


The Latin American Advanced Networks Cooperation is a non-profit organization under international law constituted of 17 countries of the region. Officially founded in 2004, CLARA is a system for Latin American collaboration via advanced telecom networks for research, innovation and education. This organization operates RedCLARA, the advanced internet network that interconnects countries of the region and their connection with international networks.

This network has a Work Group on Security (GT-Seg) whose mission is to foster information on security practices in the Latin American and Caribbean regions. Its objectives include breeding and developing security teams all over the region. Also, it sets up discussion and information exchange forums on secure computing and responsiveness to incidents.

 Read more on www.redclara.net






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