
General information about the International Information Security Day (DISI 2013) for the press.

Press release

The International Information Security Day (DISI) event of this year will be held on August, 30th at Brasilia. The discussions will be based on the theme “Cybercrime: don’t go from victim to villain”

The National Research Network (RNP) promotes this event since 2005 by initiative of its Security Incident Response Center (CAIS) team in partnership with the Organization of American States (OAS) and Latin-American Cooperation for Advanced Networks (RedCLARA).

The event, held once per year, will bring together at San Marco Hotel experts in security issues from Brazil and abroad to share knowledge, educate internet users and increase their awareness on computer security issues.

Among the activities prepared for this DISI’s edition are talks, distribution of awareness handout material, prizes to be raffled for the present public, as well as an opportunity to test your knowledge through a Quiz online.

The talks, which are open to the general public by free registration, will be broadcast by live webcasts in three languages (Portuguese, Spanish and English). Brazilian and Latin American institutions can join this big celebration and promote local activities the same date as DISI 2013 or anytime in September - the Security Month.

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