Security Month

September has been choosen as the Security Month in Brazil and Latin America. Along the month, will be promoted security awareness events in institutions across the country and Latin America, in partnership with OAS and RedCLARA.

Every year, institutions has been participating in a large number on International Computer Security Day - DISI performing local activities related to security awareness. 2013 forward, those institutions can apply for greater participation in their own places. Looking for better improvement of these events, the deadline for the participation was extended for the entire month of September, so institutions will be able to organize and plan more structured actions. They also will be enable to implement different activities, with no obligation to perform it on the same day that the DISI's event, as it was before. The DISI will be the opening event to celebrate the Security Month in Brazil and Latin America.

Below are listed all brazilian and Latin America institutions who will be celebrating the DISI and Security Month in their locations.

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